Thursday, November 12, 2015

Instructional Friday Focus: Restorative Justice in Schools

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday!  As we close out another great week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of Restorative Justice.

Teach and Learn with Passion!

Teaching and Learning Quotes:
"And restorative practices aren’t just for discipline; they are also essential to high-quality teaching and learning. These restorative principles apply to learners of all ages and abilities: that learning builds social capital and a sense of community; that students feel connected to the group and responsible for each other’s learning; that students feel empowered to come up with their own learning activities." (

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:

There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 1  Planning and Preparation 
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1e :
All of the elements of the instructional design support the stated instructional goals, engage students in meaningful learning, and show evidence of student input. Teacher’s lesson or unit is highly coherent and has a clear structure.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)

Screen Time is a simple app that allows you to set limits on the amount of time children use an iPhone or iPad. Set a time length, press start and pass it to you children. After the time expires, a series of audio, visual and on-screen notifications will discourage your children from using the device until you enter the correct passcode.

Instructional Focus:  
Restorative Justice

Bison Learning Leaders:
  • Everyone who helped with the Veterans Day table and video and field trip yesterday
  • Joanna Marshall for presenting at the Engage 2015 Conference for D214 last Sat and helping to educate our parents and community about instructional technology
  • The Deans who are working to incorporate best practices in discipline and incorporating restorative justice into our discipline practices here at BG

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