Friday, January 8, 2016

Instructional Friday Focus: Best Practices in Grading and Assessment

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday! This is our first Friday Focus of 2016!  As we close out another great week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of best practices in grading and assessment.

Teach and Learn with Passion!

Teaching and Learning Quotes:
I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint—and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."  Oprah Winfrey

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:
There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4a:  Reflecting on Teaching

Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 4a:
Teacher’s reflection on the lesson is highly accurate and perceptive, citing specific examples. Teacher draws on an extensive repertoire to suggest alternative strategies.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)


Learning is social. Learnist is a knowledge social network. Save and share everything you're learning from around the web with a couple of clicks from your iOS device. 

Instructional Focus:  Best practices in grading and assessment.

Here are some grading and assessment resources and articles:

As we wrap up semester 1 and look forward to semester 2, this may be a good opportunity for us to examine and reflect on our grading and assessment practices.

Bison Learning Leaders:   
  • The teachers who are enthusiastically stepping up to support the Jan 25th inservice day plans
  • Everyone who is going above and beyond to help support student learning and success leading up to finals

Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!