Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sit with me, Ma

This morning I created a presentation using Google slides. Not a huge deal, actually something that many of us do on a regular basis.  But I wasn't motivated to start working on the presentation until my former colleague and dear friend Marcie Faust emailed and said: "let's collaborate on this today." We then hopped on the phone and onto the shared doc and voila! a presentation was born.  It actually turned out pretty well and I am now looking forward to presenting it with her and Maureen Chertow Miller at an upcoming event.  But this is not the important part of the story - the important part is the motivational piece.  We laughed about how neither of us were particularly motivated to work on the project until we could work on it together. We are, after all, busy working moms and educational administrators.  It's not easy to find extra minutes in the day. Then I told her about "sit with me, Ma."
When I started teaching WAY back in 1997, my department chair in the English department at Clarkstown North High School was the legendary Christine Markham.  She used to joke about how helping her new teachers plan and work through challenges was always easier if she sat next to them. She called it, "sit with me, Ma."  Our "new teacher nerves" floated away as soon as we were in her presence.  We learned from her, an experienced veteran who had seen and done it all, by sitting by her side and watching HER work as well as getting her feedback and guidance on our own work.  To this day, when I'm feeling overwhelmed with a task or too busy to take it on, I will often seek out others to collaborate with, or just to sit with, in order to accomplish the challenge.

But isn't that what it's all about?  Collaboration. Social learning.  We are all social creatures and we simply work better together.  Our students do, too.  If those students are 5 years old or 50 years old, people like to learn and grow together.  Sometimes to lighten the load, sometimes to learn from the experience of others and, sometimes, just to keep each other motivated.

So whether you choose to sit physically or virtually, sometimes you just need to "sit with me, Ma" in order to accomplish your goals.

PS:  A HUGE thanks to Marcie for demanding that I write this post. XOXO

Friday, April 15, 2016

Instructional Friday Focus: Digital Literacy

Happy Friday!   As we close out another week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of digital literacy.
Teach and Learn with Passion!
Teaching and Learning Quotes: 

"It's not about technology, its about literacy!"  adapted from Angela Maiers during a workshop I attended yesterday.

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:
There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1b:
Teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge of students’ backgrounds, skills, and interests, and uses this knowledge to plan for individual student learning.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)
Works on the iPad too for those limited on space. 

Instructional Focus: Digital Literacy  - ways for students to join the 1% that creates content on the web every day! 
The Daily Create:
Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Instructional Friday Focus: Shadow a Student project

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday!   As we close out another week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of school through students' eyes
Teach and Learn with Passion!
Teaching and Learning Quotes: 
“The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.” —Solomon Ibn Gabriol

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:
There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1c: Selecting Instructional Goals
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1c:
Teacher’s goals reflect high-level learning relating to curriculum frameworks and standards; they are adapted, where necessary, to the needs of individual students, and permit viable methods of assessment.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)
For those of you that have been using Google Sheets, there are few new/hidden features that you may have missed. 

Check out the video here.

Instructional Focus: School Through Students' Eyes
As some of you may know, I spent the entire day on Thursday of this week shadowing one of our students.  I attended all of her classes, exercised with her during PE, rehearsed for the Orchestra concert, took notes from her lessons and worked through her assignments together.  The day was absolutely amazing (and exhausting).  Not only did I get in WAY more steps that I usually do ;), but I was cognitively tired too!  My brain isn't used to switching so quickly between subjects.  I found myself wanting to stay beyond the bell for some classes and keep working through the task at hand.  Other times the bell was a welcome relief to my anxiety for a class that was way out of my academic comfort zone (*cough* *cough* BC Calculus) 
However every single class was a unique learning environment in which several things were made clear to me as a BG student for a day:
  • BGHS teachers care deeply about their students. (I already knew this, but it was nice to see in action throughout the day) 
  • The variety of subjects and experiences throughout the day made the day exciting and interesting
  • PE provides an essential role as not only health and fitness, but an excellent reboot to face more hours of traditional academic challenges
  • The desks are VERY uncomfortable - it's nice to be able to get up and move throughout a lesson
  • By 8th period, everyone, students and teachers, is tired.  Let's all be extra nice to each other by then
  • We are heavily tech dependent and when the network is slow or the tech fails, learning suffers and folks get frustrated
  • The periods go by quickly (and not just because it was a late arrival day)
  • It's really important to leave time for discussion and thinking.  Remember that "wait time" when asking questions
  • The learning that stuck the most wasn't "right from the textbook"
  • Hands-on learning is fun
  • A sense of humor goes a long way for students and staff.  So does a smile :)
  • Our students are awesome and unique
  • So are our teachers
More thoughts to come in future posts...  here are some links about the shadow a student project.  I will be shadowing again soon!

Bison Learning Leaders:
Our OCE and Principal's award winners!
  • Bruce French
  • Steph Ramos
  • Tim Podulka
  • Tim Kosiek
  • Jeff Bott
  • Kris Grever
  • Sherry Heart
  • Christina Lopez

Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Instructional Friday Focus: English Language Learners

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday!   As we close out another week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of helping English Language Learners excel! (a special thanks to ASCD Express for the resources today!)
Teach and Learn with Passion!
Teaching and Learning Quotes: 

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:
There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1b:
Teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge of students’ backgrounds, skills, and interests, and uses this knowledge to plan for individual student learning.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)

Inline image 1
Remind 101  offers teachers a free, safe and simple way to instantly text students & parents. Teachers, coaches, or administrators can send reminders, assignments, homework, assessments, or motivational messages directly to  students' & parents' phones. Including: regular text messages, voice clips and attachments. You can also schedule texts. Messaging is safe because phone numbers are kept private
Tip: Use Remind daily to brief parents on whether their children did well in class and what their homework is for the night. 

Instructional Focus: Helping ELL's Excel! (thank you ASCD Express)
Scaffolding Instruction:
Helping Long Term Learners Get Unstuck:
Setting Clear Learning Purposes (this one has a great video, too)
Inspecting Ideology (a look in the mirror)

Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Instructional Friday Focus: Best Practices in Grading and Assessment

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday! This is our first Friday Focus of 2016!  As we close out another great week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of best practices in grading and assessment.

Teach and Learn with Passion!

Teaching and Learning Quotes:
I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint—and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."  Oprah Winfrey

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:
There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4a:  Reflecting on Teaching

Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 4a:
Teacher’s reflection on the lesson is highly accurate and perceptive, citing specific examples. Teacher draws on an extensive repertoire to suggest alternative strategies.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)


Learning is social. Learnist is a knowledge social network. Save and share everything you're learning from around the web with a couple of clicks from your iOS device. 

Instructional Focus:  Best practices in grading and assessment.

Here are some grading and assessment resources and articles:

As we wrap up semester 1 and look forward to semester 2, this may be a good opportunity for us to examine and reflect on our grading and assessment practices.

Bison Learning Leaders:   
  • The teachers who are enthusiastically stepping up to support the Jan 25th inservice day plans
  • Everyone who is going above and beyond to help support student learning and success leading up to finals

Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!