Friday, September 25, 2015

Instructional Friday Focus: Student Feedback in Standards Based Learning

Dear Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday!  As we close out another great week at Buffalo Grove HS, I am focused on the topic of the role of feedback in standards-based learning.

Teach and Learn with Passion!

Teaching and Learning Quotes:  
Some thoughts on ed tech...
“It is important to remember that educational software, like textbooks, is only one tool in the learning process. Neither can be a substitute for well-trained teachers, leadership, and parental involvement.” – Keith Krueger
“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” – David Thornburg
Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:

You probably know the basics about FfT, but let me summarize:  There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 1 Planning and Preparation
Component 1f: Assessing Student Learning
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1f :
Teacher’s plan for student assessment is fully aligned with the instructional goals, containing clear assessment criteria and standards that are not only understood by students but also show evidence of student participation in their development. Teacher’s students monitor their own progress in achieving the goals.

Strategy/Tool to Try: (Thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk)
Tips for Google Chrome

Instructional Focus:  
Standards-based learning resources.
Some of you might be aware of #SBLChat, a Twitter chat focused on the topic of Standards-based learning.  In case you missed it (ICYMI)  here is the link to the transcript for this week's chat, the topic was "Feedback: Fuel for Learning": 

For those of you that have never participated in a Twitter chat, I strongly encourage you to try one out....start with your subject area or another area of interest and just "lurk" for a while.  Then, when you are comfortable, hop in and join the conversation!  Here is a link to all the education Twitter chats from Cybraryman's website:
Of course you are always welcome at #ILEdChat (Illinois Ed Chat) on Monday night's at 9pm :)
Other Feedback resources:

Bison Learning Leaders:  
  • Our SBL Pilot Trailblazers who will meet for the first time in October to begin sharing and wrestling with the many nuances of evidence-based grading and standards based as we begin to explore these topics
  • Our Assessment staff for successfully engaging over 100 more students than last year to participate in the PSAT in Oct, serving as a chance for juniors to qualify for the NMSQT!
  • PLC leaders who are supporting the essential work of all teachers this year as we focus in the identification of standards-based learning targets and creating common assessments.
Keep up the great work, Bison!  Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Friday Focus of 15-16!

Bison Colleagues,
Happy Friday! I hope your first week and a half back at Buffalo Grove HS was happy and productive.  I enjoyed getting to see you all during the opening days and greeting our students together at the first day assembly.  I also enjoyed getting to visit many of your classrooms this week and look forward to many more such visits.  From my visits, it is obvious that BGHS is staffed with outstanding educators who are committed to making kids' futures bright!  Thank you for all the work you do to make their dreams a reality each and every day.

Each Friday (or Thursday evening, actually) again this year I will email all staff an Instructional Focus memo (this one is longer than typical).  I know how busy you are and how many emails your receive every day and week.  I certainly understand if you do not get around to reading each of these, but wanted to stay in touch on a weekly basis about the important topic of instruction.  Each week I will simply share resources related to best practice instruction.  In addition, I will include a favorite quote or two, some Danielson Framework tips and a strategy/tool to try in the classroom.  I hope these weekly emails are helpful to you in a small way.

Have an awesome Friday and...

Teach and Learn with Passion!

Teaching and Learning Quotes:
"I've come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom.  It's my personal approach that creates climate.  It's my daily mood that makes the weather.  As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous.  I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.  I can humiliate or heal.  In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized."  - Haim Ginott

"What makes a school great has very little to do with how rich or poor the students are or the curriculum that's taught.  It has very little to do with special programs, expansive playing fields, huge endowments, snappy uniforms, celebrity alumni, or whether a school is wired to the Internet.  What makes a school great is a feeling, a feeling shared by the entire staff that their particular school is special.  the feeling that their school really belongs to them."  -- Phillip Manna

Danielson Framework for Teaching reminder:

There are 4 domains, 22 components and 76 elements that are considered aspects of a teacher's responsibility as documented through empirical studies.  The 4 domains are:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3.  Instruction
4.  Professional Responsibilities

Looking at Domain 3  Instruction
3d: Providing Feedback to Students
Here's a peek at what "distinguished" looks like for 1b :
Teacher’s feedback to students is timely and of consistently high quality, and students make use of the feedback in their learning.

Strategy/Tool to Try (Thanks to ITF Jeff Vlk):

10 Chrome Extensions That Make Your Life Easier

The Chrome browser is a blank canvas and Chrome Extensions are the paint that can make it into a work of art. Much like shades of paint, there are tens of thousands Chrome Extensions to choose from, making it hard to find the essentials you need to improve your web browsing experience.

Instructional Focus: